People who plan to attend the Conference are requested to
complete the registration form by 20 March 2022. People
who intend to give a contributed talk are required to submit
their abstract by 20 March 2022.
Registration and abstract submission
20 March
1-30 April
Registration fees
200 EURO
Accompanying person
Participants who have already paid the registration fee in 2020 and do
not intend to participate should contact the organizers at
Registration form
Registrations for the conference are now closed.
Abstract submission
Participants to Combinatorics 2022 may contribute a
short communication of 20 minutes (including questions)
on topics relevant for the conference.
People interested to contribute should submit
a short (less than one page) abstract both in latex and pdf
to the address by 20 March 2022 using
the following template.
The abstract must be written in English and the latex file must compile
without errors.
The file must be named according to the
format "Surname_X.tex" where X is (are) the initial(s) of your
personal name(s) and Surname is your surname.
Acceptance of the communication shall be confirmed not later than 1 April 2022.